Wednesday, December 9, 2009

le panda.


Part of the final project for computer illustration. There will be more cute and furry animals to come. My aim is for Scholastic.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

bird stole my sandwich.

A couple character images done for Computer Illustration.

The background was rushed, I was really sick and had to get them done in time.

But I like the way the personalities emerged.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ice and Fire

Line work for my second Illustration II project. The theme is "fire and ice," but I won't explain it just yet. There is going to be a detailed background, and this isn't the dimensions of the actual piece.

Some issues with the dog, but I like the fact that he/she doesn't look exactly like a husky or anything. It's a little ambiguous.

Adobe Photoshop CS3

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

He's a tramp, v 2.0.

First portrait done in Illustrator. It's a beast of a program, but it's been an interesting learning experience. Overall, I feel so-so about the outcome.

Maybe I'm biased. I feel as though I just couldn't do the great Chaplin any justice.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

He's a tramp.

Sketch for our third project in computer illustration. Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do Chaplin as his Little Tramp. <3

It'll be fully rendered in Adobe Illustrator. A program which I have a very heated love/hate relationship with.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

puddles and Planet Hollywood...

...Made for a memorable afternoon. :) So much so, it became the subject for my first illustration project.

Rendered in watercolor on illustration board, with some details added in brown India ink and gouche; all on top of a pencil sketch.

The scan came out terrible, but it's the best I can do.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

soggy little lovers.

Grey skies and waterlogged boots won't us back. :)

Illustration II assignment #1.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In a village among the hills...

Presenting the first page of the book. There are a select few alterations to make, including changing the color of the sky, but this is 95% done and done.

There are many, many more left to do, there are seven that are in the final stages so far, out of a book of approximately 32 pages. It's the most ambitious project I've been a part of, but I am confident that this is going to guarantee me a promising career as an illustrator.

Medium: Adobe CS3

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


He's a traveling tramp. He sings songs and tells tall tales about his faraway home in Co. Kerry, Ireland.
He loves to laugh.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dear Charles.

These boys.

It is Sebastian from Brideshead Revisited on the left; one of the last Great Works of fiction. By Evelyn Waugh.

I am more of a Charles Ryder, myself.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Under the Dog Star, sail.

This is Wink.

He is a monster who lives in a fantasy world called Aexemplaar.
There will be more of him, coming.

Always summer.

Two personal pieces done for the summer so far. Not a very lucrative one it's been in the ways of personal art. But the children's book I've been working on certainly makes up for that.

Yes, I like foxes. They are incredibly intriguing, and there is so much lore that surrounds the Fox.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I have walked across the sun.

No really, who's team would you want to be on?
I'll take the indestructible godlike man, thanks.

Just some lame fanart done in Illustrator. In a couple of minutes. In a cave with some scraps.

Watchmen belongs to Alan Moore, the weirdo genius he is.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Little bird; little bird

Adobe Illustrator.
Class: Intro to Graphic Design.

There's a little black spot on the sun today.

;that's my soul up there.

(A project for Illustration 1; create a mock-up movie poster for a black and white vintage film.
Bob Dylan: Don't Look Back. Filmed during a Spring tour of England in 1965.)

India ink + Photoshop